(Rest In Peace, George Floyd)
We, the Westchester Bronx Society of Black Physicians,
denounce the injustice that plague our country.
In a year already marked with unprecedented challenges we now find ourselves confronted by the deep pain caused by a prevailing systemic disease, the disease of racism in the United States.
The spate of senseless killings of unarmed black men by policemen across the nation has always been unacceptable. It has now reached crisis proportions that deserves condemnation.
As healthcare providers,
We condemn the murders of George Floyd and others.
We condemn the impunity of the law enforcement officers involved in each unfortunate event.
We condemn the lingering racial disparities, inequities and injustices across all areas of life in all nations
Racism in any form is unacceptable.
It is not enough to wish things were better. Each of us must take personal action to drive change. We must respect and promote the equal value of all human beings at all time.